Thursday, September 20, 2007

2007 09 20

It was hard to wake up again because I only slept for four hours. Still I tried to open my eyes. As soon as I woke up, I ran to bathroom and washed my face to wake myself up. After I dressed up, I got prepared for school. For breakfast I had rice. After breakfast, I brushed my teeth and hurried to get the bus. When I went in front of my house, there was a school bus already waiting. At the bus I did not sleep much. Therefore in school I got sleepy and my eyes were tired. In school when I got the test score for math, I got happy. Even though it was retest, I got it okay.

In the morning I felt painful because my eyes got sore of tiredness. Still I felt well when I got my test result. Also when I saw progress report for math, I felt okay. In science class I checked my edline. There was health progress report. When I saw it, I felt really bad. I think I have to study more for health.

There were some questions that I had to answer it for social class. It was sort of hard but it helped me to study. In social class, we learned new chapter. In reading class, we went over bell ringer that we are going to have test tomorrow.


Sae Jee Bang said...

I think you were very tired on this days and I could see your red eyes. I hope you get a good sleep during Chu Sock! And I think your journal is reall good^^

630::pm said...

Saejee My red eyes... So tired these days. You look tired as well! :(