Monday, September 17, 2007

2007 09 17

Today I woke up at quarter to six because I had to ride bus earlier than usual. Mondays, there are more cars than other days. Therefore, Seoul bus comes twenty minutes earlier. Today it wasn’t really hard for me to wake up because I went to bed premature yesterday. I had some toast for breakfast and I had some time left so I connected my mp3 to computer to send more song so I can hear in the bus while I try to go to sleep. I woke up before arrive in to school. It was a miracle. In school I was drowsy a lot that I almost fell into sleep. Still I tried my best to not to go to sleep and finally I did not. On the way home in bus I slept for one hour and I felt fabulous. I don’t know why but I got sleepy again in academy. Therefore I slept in class for fifteen minutes secretly. I studied for social map quiz for tomorrow hardly. I hope I get good marks on it.

I felt exhausted even I slept a lot. I went to sleep early last night but still I was tired today. In lunch time I wanted to play but for me it felt like bell rang faster than usual, so I got bored and uninterested.

In algebra class we learned new chapter by ourselves because Ms. Cho went to India. I loved this chapter because there were only calculating problems and no definitions to memorize. At science class, we watched DVD about science and learned about science stuff. For reading, we had some quiz about the story that Chinese girl wrote. When I went to academy, I learned science. About biomes and I could understand very well. Also I learned how to memorize map faster than usual.

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