Thursday, October 4, 2007

2007 10 04

I didn’t have to wake up at six in the morning because I was sick. About ten o’clock, I woke up and ran to my laptop to send my science project that is due today. After I send, I went to my bed again and lied down until twelve. I had lunch at half past twelve and played computer until three. At three I got my call by my cousin and went to rodeo. We went to buy some bread and had it for snack. We walked around and came back to home.

I felt horrible in the morning but after I had rest, I felt way better but little bit of cold. At night, I had medicine so I got fine like usual day.

I learned that if I have a cold, go not go out or play. Just rest.


Jiyoon said...

I was worried about you!!!
Do you feel better now?

Dayeon Lee said...

are u still sick?? do u feel better ?

Helena .Lee said...

that's why you did feel good on Friday! because you went outside