Wednesday, November 7, 2007


December 25th is Christmas. Christ means Jesus and -mas means Mass as celebration. It is the day when Jesus was born. Nobody goes to school or works and take a rest or go to church and celebrates with every people. People decorate Christmas trees, Santa Claus gives presents and people sing carol songs.

In Christmas, people decorate Christmas trees. Martin Luther King, Jr started to stand up Christmas trees. One day before Christmas, a Christmas Eve, Luther got impressed by evergreen tree right below beautiful night star. Luther said that the evergreen tree looked like watching god. Therefore he prepared to get evergreen trees and started to decorate the trees.

Santa Claus is a friendly name who gives presents to young kids. There is a man called Nicolas who helped people quietly and secretly. But people noticed, and the Santa Claus got made because of him meaning giving presents for no reasons and helping lots of kids to give happiness. Santa Claus’s name is called Sanctus Nicolas in Latin.

People sing Christmas songs in Christmas. My best song in carol is ‘All I want for Christmas is you’ sang by Mariah Carey. Carol is sing by anytime in the day but people usually sing at special days especially Christmas. If I hear carol songs, I feel really joyful and happy.

In conclusion, I think Christmas is a really special day for people and Jesus. Decorating Christmas tree makes me joyful. It is cool when I make it. I hope a person like Santa Claus comes up more and help people. I am going to hear lots of carols in Christmas and sing along with my friends.

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